Salted Caramel Mud Pie
Cookies for Crust – You can use Oreos (24), Simple Mills chocolate cookies, Simple Mills sweet thins
(2) Pint and half of Dairy free Icecream – I use So Delicious Salted Caramel Cashew
So Delicious Whipped Cream
Caramel and Chocolate Sauce for Topping
Flakey Sea Salt
Remove ice cream from freezer so that it softens and spreadable (can also melt in microwave for 25ish seconds)
Crush cookies until slightly fine in ziplock back (their should still be some chunks in the mix)
Mix with butter and create crust in pie tin
Freeze for 30 minutes so that crust sets
Next, add ice cream on top of crush and evenly spread
Drizzle caramel and chocolate sauce on top of pie and sprinkle sea salt