Salted Caramel Mud Pie


  • Cookies for Crust – You can use Oreos (24), Simple Mills chocolate cookies, Simple Mills sweet thins

  • Butter

  • (2) Pint and half of Dairy free Icecream – I use So Delicious Salted Caramel Cashew

  • So Delicious Whipped Cream

  • Caramel and Chocolate Sauce for Topping

  • Flakey Sea Salt



  • Remove ice cream from freezer so that it softens and spreadable (can also melt in microwave for 25ish seconds)

  • Crush cookies until slightly fine in ziplock back (their should still be some chunks in the mix)

  • Mix with butter and create crust in pie tin

  • Freeze for 30 minutes so that crust sets

  • Next, add ice cream on top of crush and evenly spread

  • Drizzle  caramel and chocolate sauce on top of pie and sprinkle sea salt


Banana Bread


Edible Cookie Dough